Your Impact
We're excited to share how God has made ministry possible—and here's where you can get involved!
This fund keeps our ministries going, everything from keeping the lights on to supporting our youth, pastors, staff and missionaries. Thank you for giving faithfully!
We have the vision to expand our facility to help families grow in their relationships with Christ and each other, provide needed space for growing children's and music ministries and lead adults to a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ. Help us see vision become reality!
This fund is used to help those of the congregation in financial need. It's a blessing to hear those who have been helped reach a place where they can help others in turn!
Ways To Give
Click “Give Online” above to create a profile and be able to make a one-time or recurring gift from a checking/savings account, or debit or credit card, through our secure website.
Mobile App
Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement App on either the App Store or Google Play Store.
EFT Deductions
Paid from either checking/savings account (authorization form available in church office).
Checks or Money Orders
In the offering boxes, or mail to:
Financial Secretary
Skokie Valley Baptist Church
1050 Skokie Blvd.
Wilmette, IL 60091
Let Amazon donate a small percentage of your purchases to SVBC. Click here to set it up.
Gifts of Stock
Stock may be given to Skokie Valley by contacting:
Pat Nowak, Treasurer | Email or 847-256-1050 ext. 204.