Grow With Others In Community

We would love to see everyone in our church be in a Grow Group, which is a small group of people meeting together on a weekly basis for eight weeks at a time. These location-based groups are multi-generational, and trained facilitators lead a discussion based on the sermon. Wherever you are located, we can find a group that meets near you.

Current Grow Groups:

  • SVBC (Sundays, 12:30 pm)

  • Mount Prospect (Sundays, 1:30 pm)

  • Skokie (Sundays, 4 pm)

  • Deerfield (Sundays, 5:30 pm)

  • Morton Grove (Sundays, 5:30 pm) - FULL

  • Evanston (Sundays, 6:30 pm) - FULL

  • Lincolnwood (Mondays, 7 pm)

  • Evanston East (Tuesdays, 7 pm) - FULL

  • Virtual / Online (Tuesdays, 7 pm)

  • Wilmette (Wednesdays, 7 pm)

  • NEW! Northbrook (Thursdays, 1 pm)

  • Itasca (Fridays, 6:30 pm)

  • Evanston Families (Saturdays, 5 pm) - FULL

Please fill out the form below to register. If you have questions, write them in the comments/preferences or contact the office. Winter Grow Groups begin the week of January 26th.

Questions or for more information, reach out to our Community Life Coordinator, Juliet Craig at