SWITCH is Skokie Valley’s Student Ministry for those in 6th-12th Grade.
Our name highlights our shift from death to life when we trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior (John 5:24). Our aim is to partner with families so that students receive Christ Jesus as their Lord, become rooted and built up in their faith, and abound in thanksgiving for all God does (Colossians 2:6-7).
Wednesdays, 6:45-8:30 PM
Our weekly gathering is a place where you can be yourself, be with other students, and connect with adult mentors—all so that you can grow closer to God. Each week, we have games/activities, worship God, learn from the Bible, & connect in small groups.
Sunday School
Sundays, 9:45-10:45 AM
This discussion-based, in-depth teaching from God's Word is geared to help you develop a biblical worldview and apply its principles to your daily life.
Family Nights
1st Friday of the Month, 6-8:00 PM
Families with kids 2 yr – 12th Grade are invited to come together at SVBC for dinner, discussion, & family fun.