MEGA Sports Camp


Kids are invited to discover who Jesus has made them to be. To be in your element means to thrive in your environment and excel in the strengths God has given you! Kids are in their element when they're in a relationship with Jesus.

This week kids will learn from the life of Jesus' disciple, Peter, what it looks like to be in your element. Athletes are in their element when they are finding joy in their abilities, working hard to sharpen their skills, and growing into the best athlete they can be. To be in your element, you must understand your purpose, practice your skills, find your position, and overcome pressure to reach your full potential.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each night will start with dinner at tables with their huddle coach & other children in their sport. After that, we have a mixture of sports sessions & rally times. Sports Sessions teach skills, do an activity to further reinforce & develop those skills, and then put them in action in scrimmages. Rally times include the MEGA point of the day, kids worship songs, a Bible story, and a sports story of a famous athlete who lived out the MEGA point.

  • The fee includes dinner each evening, a t-shirt for every child to wear to sports camp, & the supplies we need to make it all run.

  • Our planned meals include Chicken Nuggets, Mac & Cheese, Grilled Cheese, Pizza, and Burgers/Hot Dogs. Each meal will also include veggies, fruit, chips/goldfish, and water + lemonade to drink.

    Feel free to email us if you have specific concerns so we can find a solution together!

  • The younger kids will join everyone for dinner and then have their own age-appropriate time for play, sport skills, Bible story, kids worship songs, & crafts.

  • For our last night of MEGA Sports Camp, we invite the families of campers to join us. We start with a Rally all together and then have time for you to go see your kids in action—showing off what they have learned during the week. Dinner is provided for all as well as games/activities out in the church’s backyard. Families are encouraged to come for the whole evening, but they must join their kids by 7pm for dinner.

List of the MEGA Points & Bible stories for the week: